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Friday, January 30, 2009

My Favorite Things- Packing the Hospital Bag

I keep saying I'm going to do some more 'favorite things' posts, so I am finally getting around to it! There are so many lists of what you should & shouldn't bring and everybody will give you there opinion. These are the things that I tool that I actually ended up using and really want. Next time around, this is all I will bring!

1. Music- It was so nice to be able to have some nice music playing in the room while we were hanging out. I made some playlists of music that was posititve and happy and relaxing- music that I wanted to welcome my son to the world with.

2. Camera- don't forget chargers and/or batteries! Kaden came so fast after we got to the hospital that we didn't have the camera right when he was born- Rob had to run down to the car (which was still parked at the emergency room!) to get it after Kaden was born. The awesome nurses there waited for the footprints & stuff till he got back.

3. Computer and/or cell phone- we didn't have any family nearby, so the computer was very important so we could get emails & pics out to people. Plus it was a nice distraction to get on the internet while I was recovering. And obviously we called people with the phone. Technically you aren't supposed to use the cell, but the nurses let us make a few calls since we didn't have any family right when he was born. Later on we called people with the computer using Skype (which also let us do webcam so my Dad & family could see the littly guy).

4. Toothbrush, toothpaste, & mouthwash- do I really need to explain that? I did not feel like myself afterwards physically (obviously) and it just makes you feel better to have a fresh mouth.

5. Travel shampoo/conditioner, facewash, soap, & lotions- this doesn't really need an explanation either. See #4- you just feel better when they finally let you take a shower!

6. Makeup- I'm not talking like getting made up for the prom or anything, but just a little bit to make you feel a little pretty. I swelled up at the birth and taking a shower/brushing my teeth/putting on a little powder & eyeshadow made me feel a little bit put back together.

7. Brush & hair bands- I did not care about my hair those first few weeks, so therefore I needed to be able to pull it back in a pony tail so I could avoid feeling like I should do anything to it.

8. Chapstick- dry lips & dry hospital air. Duh.

9. Pillow- I tool two comfy pillows from home with old pillow cases on them (not white- don't want your pillows to get mixed up with the hospital pillows- but the hospital pillows can barely be described as pillows, so that would be hard to mix up). I hugged one of my pillows all the way to the hospital and until they got me situated in the room. Then I used my pillows while I was there. It was nice to have something comfy & familiar.

10. Socks and/or slippers- cold feet on tile floors need socks and/or slippers.

11. Robe- I only used the robe when they had to transfer me to a postpartum room (too many babies being delivered & they needed the equipment in my other room). I was sure glad I had it, though. Helped me not feel so naked in that gown without the hospital blanket to wrap up in.

12. Business card for pediatrician- if you did not include that info in your pre-registration info, bring this with you. We were not able to think all that proactively outside of the contractions, but the nurses are really good at taking care of things for you. Just give them your name & hand them the card- they will take care of the rest. (if you can't tell, I have HUGE respect for labor & delivery nurses- they have a really hard job and I am so forever grateful for the nurses that helped me bring Kaden into the world).

13. Pen & notebook- if you have time to write anything down, do it. The memories are so priceless and the little details will fade quickly thanks to hormones and the needs of a newborn. Take advantage of down time to record anything you want to remember. And to write notes to yourself so you don't forget when you are supposed to do things like go to the doctor, etc. You won't remember, so write it down.

14. Granny panties & the biggest pads you can find- in the hospital, use the stuff they provide. It gets gross (I won't go into details) and it's not worth messing up anything you brought and storebought pads won't work at first. But on the day you get to go home, you feel a little more human when you get to put on panties and use pads (still seriously get the biggest ones you can get- seriously) instead of the sexy meshy things & ice pack pads they provide.

15. Couple of outfits for baby to wear home (remember that you need to be able to fasten the car seats, so no gowns for the ride home)- I say a couple because if you want pictures, you might want a choice. Plus babies spit up & poop on things.

16. Hat for baby in the hospital- the cute knit hats they had at the hospital were a bit tight for Kaden's head, but luckily I had a few knit that were bigger. Plus it felt special that it was something I made for him. If you don't knit, it can still be special if you brought it especially for your baby.

17. Outfit to wear home- I took my favorite maternity jeans (with secret fit belly, nothing tight or banded) and a maternity tee shirt. You will still have a belly. Probably for quite a while. Don't bring non-maternity clothes to wear home.

18. Bra- the most valuable bra I ever bought was the sleep bra from Mimi Maternity ($20 bucks or less). This bra is stretchy to accomodate changing size, comfortable, supportive without underwires (underwires are bad at this time), comfortable, and most importantly, IT IS COMFORTABLE. It is not comfortable without one. I used these bras constantly that first week. Best. Bra. Ever.

DON'T Bring diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, or any care items for the baby. They have all this for you at the hospital. You don't need clothes or mits or blankets for baby, either. They have comfy cute stuff that is easy to get on & off.

DO make sure to take anything the hospital gives you. Especially the thermometer, nose cleaning bulb, pacifiers, breast pads, prescription pain killers, nurser size bottles, anything. Our super nice nurse even gave us an extra pacifier (Kaden would only use those for the longest time). And they will give you ointment & cream for your nipples- don't buy any if you plan to try breastfeeding.

Coming soon...

"My Favorite Things- What You Need to Survive the First Weeks After Birth"

"My Favorite Things- Best Baby Items for the First 6 Months"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What America Looks Like

Today was a huge day in the history of our country. Our first African-American President, our first biracial President, the first President overwhelmingly elected by the youth and the future of our country, took office. This will be one of those 'where were you when' moments in my life- I was at work and can't listen to anything on my compter, so my WONDERFUL husband held his cell phone up to his car radio so I could listen through my phone on the other end. I got to hear President Obama's first words to the nation as our President. He is a great man for a multitude of reasons, but I cannot ignore the fact that he is blazing the way for kids like my son. Lately I have been doing a lot of searching and pondering about how to help my son deal with the mean comments and stares from strangers trying to figures out 'what' he is. This is a huge sign that maybe I won't have to worry about that for much longer. I don't want to take away from everything that President Obama has tried to do and hopes to accomlish during his time in office, but I can't help but be so thankful, in the midst of my problems dealing with those mean comments from strangers about my son's race, that he can do whatever he wants and will not always be judged by the shape of his eyes or the complexion of his skin. Today I am so proud to be an American. I am proud of my husband and all his hard work. I am proud of my beautiful son. I am proud to be a part of a multi-cultural family. I am proud to be the mother of a biracial child. I am proud. I am proud!

This is what America looks like today, and I think it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so proud!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We aren't really so different, right?

It may seem strange, but I never thought in this day and age that I would feel like I need to protect my child from strangers' comments about his race. Interracial marriage has been legal since June of 1967 thanks to the Supreme Court's decision about the Loving couple. We now have elected not only our first African American president, but a biracial president at that. With all the acceptance that my husband and I found in places like California and even Indiana, I did not expect that in a large metropolitan city on the East Coast we would face the kind of insensitivity. This blog is not intended to be a social or political commentary, but an incident that happened on Friday has been bugging me and I feel like I should say something about it.

We went to the mall after work on Friday, and my husband went to a shoe store while Kaden and I were in a clothing store looking around. Kaden was just hanging out in his stroller while I looked, and we passed by a young couple. This couple looked to be in their late teens/early twenties and were part of a minorty group. The girl smiled at me and said "ahh how cute" to Kaden. As we passed, the guy said something to her and she said "yeah, but they make cute babies. Like Jon & Kate Plus 8." They make cute babies? Like Jon & Kate Plus 8? They didn't mean anything bad and I didn't say anything to them, but it has been something I've been dealing with for the past few weeks.

The part that bothers me is the quick categorization. As if he wasn't just a cute little boy. His differences are what they noticed. Comments like that make me wonder about every time we pass by people and they comment about how cute he is- do they really think he's cute or is he just like the kids on Jon & Kate Plus 8? I don't want him to grow up thinking he is cute because of his race or to always have his differences pointed out to him. He isn't like most of the kids he will go to school with out here, but that doesn't mean he has to feel different. He is beautiful just because he is. We will celebrate all of his heritage as he grows up and he will know and appreciate all of his family and culture. But being biracial does not define him and is not the reason he is cute or a reason for him to always be different.

Perhaps this day it bothered me because it was a culmination of things- it seems like we always get those comments. People make very insensitive comments to me, maybe thinking that because I am white it couldn't bother me or maybe they really don't think about what they are saying before they say it. But it just makes me want to shield my baby from all those kinds of comments and stares. I just want him to grow up proud of who he is and feeling like he is an extraordinary little boy not just because of his race, but just because he's him. I happen to think he is quite extraordinary and beautiful!

Sorry- no pics this time! I though since I was ranting I would save the pictures for next time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brand New Year

We have settled back into a routine after the holidays and Kaden started at daycare for the first time. I don't think I will EVER get used to that! Kaden has great teachers, but his favorite (and my favorite because she called me to check up on me!) took a different job and has left already. A new teacher starts next week, so hopefully Kaden will like her as much as his first teacher. If I have to leave him somewhere, I think I've found a good place. It's clean, secure, organized, and the teachers are so involved with the kids. They do lots of floor time, playing with mirrors, talking, and even little crafts. It feels very comfortable and safe there. I just keep telling myself how good it is for Kaden- I just wish I could be there with him playing and taking care of him and teaching him.

On a happier note, Kaden is just learning so much! He is really grabbing stuff, laughing, standing up (supported, of course, not by himself), and playing with toys. He responds to his name in English and Chinese and really responds when you talk with him. He has a toy piano that has a little baby that pops up when you hit the keys. He seems to have figured out that he can make that little guy pop up by hitting the keys because he keeps hitting the keys over and over, then touching that little guy, then hitting the keys some more...over and over again. And there are some really fun songs that get stuck in my head on that toy, like "wiggle, I like to shake and wiggle. Wiggle, kick my feet and wiggle. Wiggle, roll around and wiggle. Come on and wiggle with me." That's a fun one to sing all day at work!

I just can't get enough of this little face!

and he can't get enough of his feet!

The little Rhinos on his feet are so cute

Playing with Elmo and Cookie Monster. He can move himself backwards until he runs into something in this thing, so we already have to be careful & watch him when he's sitting in it.

Passed out on the couch after a hard day playing with his new friends at daycare

More sweet, chubby little baby hands and feet

All greased up with Aquaphor & laughing at a very silly Mama

This is what happens when Baba puts the lotion on him

What? He's busy playing the piano! Why are we bothering him?!?

Sweet, silly boy!