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Thursday, March 27, 2008

IT'S A...

BOY!!! We had our big ultrasound yesterday and found out we are having a little boy! Everything looks like it is developing perfectly, all the way down to ten little fingers and ten little toes. The lady that did the ultrasound was so cool- she told us what she was looking at and explained everything to us. And let me tell ya, he is not a shy little boy at all. He proudly showed us that he was definitely not a girl. He was very, very active the whole time- he kept stretching his head back, reaching his arms behind his head, and just flipping around. He definitely didn't like having the probe pusing in on my belly & kept kicking back at the tech! Below are some pictures from yesterday. She tried to take a 3D picture, but he kept moving around and making the shots blurry. In my Dad's family, this is the first little boy since my Dad was born!

He's not shy- we have a several good pictures to prove it!

A little baby leg

This is our attempt at the 3D shot. He wouldn't stop moving, so they all turned out blurry. But you can still see his little nose!
We don't have names picked out yet since we can't seem to agree on a boy name (we had a girl name that we both liked, but that doesn't do us much good now). Still haven't decided if we will share the name or if we will keep that one a secret- I might change my mind, after all!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sheeeee's Heeeeerrre

Crazy pregnant lady has officially moved into our apartment. Rob has been a trooper, but he never knows what he's going to get. I sure am glad I can blame my craziness on the baby & hormones!

And by popular request from the official Baby Chang fan club (if you would like to join, send a check or money order to- just kidding! membership is free :-) This picture is 16 weeks down and a little bit into the 17th week. I can't believe we will be trying to find out the gender in just a couple of weeks!!!