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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lazy Summer Weekends

We had a wonderfully lazy summer weekend. Mama got some knitting done for Baby Girl and Kaden wanted to help out. He's such a good little helper! He helped me unravel the yarn just in case I didn't need it to stay untangled and organized.

He looked so cute while being such a big helper, too!

Then we went to the beach. When we got there and Kaden saw the ocean, he started squealing and waving his arms. He recognized the ocean and got so excited! I really wished I had my camera out and ready to catch that!
This time Kaden decided he would check out how the sand tasted. He seemed to like it, even though Mama & Baba kept trying to keep him from doing it.

But then after such a nice weekend, Kaden woke up with a high fever on Monday. It went down during the day, but was right back up there overnight. Tuesday morning he fell asleep with a bottle and hugging his Tigger. Baba had a cool washcloth on his forehead, too. Isn't that just about pitiful?!?
Hopefully the fever goes down again today and stays there so my baby can get back to important things, like playing and reading and cuddling with his Mama!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who's on First?

Take a look at these profiles from ultrasounds...are they the same baby? Is one Baby Chang #1 and the other Baby Chang #2? I know you can't base exactly what the baby will look like on how the ultrasound pics look, but I think Kaden and his baby sister have almost identical profiles! Just had to point out the similarities that are already there!