Gramma and Aunt Lori came for a visit and had LOTS of fun with Kaden- he got just a little bit spoiled! We have lots of pics from their visit, so I'll get right down to business. Oh, and Kaden turned 7 months old on the day they got here!
Yay, Gramma & Aunt Lori are here! Happy Birthday Kaden!

Aunt Lori & Kaden

Mama, Gramma & Kaden

Aunt Lori is HILARIOUS when she barks like a dog!

Being goofy with Gramma

We discovered that Baba's head makes a good chew toy, too.

Kaden loved Tigger at the Disney Store, so Gramma couldn't let him go home without him!

Mama got a little placemat for Kaden to use when we go to restaurants...surprisingly, it makes a good chew toy, too.

Being goofy with Gramma again...see the theme starting? He's performing his newest trick- he claps and everyone around him claps back and says "Yay, Kaden!"

Being goofy with Aunt Lori at the outlets.

Goofy with Gramma once again!

We stopped at Ten Ren Tea Shop for a treat and Kaden wanted a taste, too. He knows what to do with the straw, but he couldn't quite get that mango slush up to his mouth!

Mama, Baba, & Kaden in Chinatown
Playing a little basketball...

Wanna play with me?

Time for a break to do a little's hard to read books when they are always in your mouth, though.
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