We had Kaden's 6 month well baby checkup today. The doc told us he is a big boy- something we have NEVER heard before! He weighs 22.9 pounds (97th %) and is 28 inches tall (95th%) and is just perfect with all his developmental milestones. Kaden thought the doc was pretty darn funny until it was time for the shots. He got 3 shots and started screaming with the 2nd one- but the 4th medicine he got was a liquid that he got orally, and as soon as the doc put that in his mouth he quit screaming. That's how we usually make him quiet at home when he's screaming, too- just put the bottle in his mouth and everything will be ok! He is still a big boy, but really seems to be thinning out a bit just from being so active. He still has the chubby cheeks & thighs, but he looks like he's becoming a little toddler boy rather than a chubster infant. He is so amazing and every day I am more and more in love with him. The best part of my day is going to pick him up and he lights up when he sees me! I cherish every evening I have to play with him.
Tonight Kaden ate one of his new favorite fruits for dessert- pears and raspberries! It's apparently really sour, but Kaden likes sour food. He makes great faces while he's eating it, but he keeps wanting more!

And I can't take credit for the messiness level of these pictures- Baba fed Kaden dinner while I ate the Taco Bell that Baba brought home for me!

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