And to top it all off, the little booger took a 3 hour nap today! He barely naps for 45 minutes to 1 hour on a good day- most days he has just a couple of 30 minute naps! Oh well, as long as he's feeling better.
Kaden and I watched 24 on tivo - we are big Jack Bauer fans!-while he ate a little bottle this evening. When he got finished eating, I stood up to take him to the living room so we could do a breathing treatment on the nebulizer. When I got to the living room, all our power shut off! Can't do much of a nebulizer treatment without power to run the thing! The buildings around us lost power as well, and the emergency lights in the hallway came on...but that didn't really help us inside our apartment. I grabbed the flashlight that I keep under my bed (that's what happens when you grow up where there are tornadoes and summer storms that cause you to lose power a lot, even though I've never needed it here before) and went right into the kitchen to get the emergency candle that my Mom got us. I have never ever needed it before, but I was glad I had it tonight! I lit it and carried it into the living room so my family could have light during this trying time. As soon as I sat down on the couch to sing songs with Kaden and Rob, the lights came back on. That candle sure helped, though, for the whole 10 minutes we were without power! Thanks Mom!
1 comment:
I am so happy you little man is doing better. I know how scary it is when your baby is so sick. Hope he continues to build up his strength. I can't believe how big he is getting. He is so cute.
Take care
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