Kaden had a pretty bad coughing fit (that RSV cough where it sounds like they are choking and can't breathe- it's pretty scary). So I took him in to the bathroom and ran the shower hoping the steam would help him breathe a bit better. We were going to the doctor's that afternoon, so I just tried to help him breathe so we could get there. While we were in the bathroom we sang silly songs with Mama (they're silly because I never remember the words and end up making some up- sounds kind of familiar, huh? Turning anything into a song? I haven't picked up the dancing yet, though- Love ya Mom!). We also tried out a bit of finger painting. They tried it at daycare and Kaden had fun with it. I started out by trying to trace his hand, but it's hard to get an almost 6 month old baby to hold still long enough. He let me put his hand in the paint and then he patted the paper when I showed him how. This magnificant piece of artwork is the result. I think he did pretty good! Of course, this only kept him occupied for about 5 minutes.
He has had some high fevers, a scary cough, and has been very lethargic and not wanting to interact. I didn't get a smile out of him until after his first treatment with the nebulizer at the doctor's office. He could breathe a bit better after that and decided that the doctor was pretty funny.
Kaden refused his afternoon bottle, took maybe an ounce, and then took a whole bottle at about 6pm, which he promptly projectile vomited all over me. I think it's funny how before baby I would have been grossed out by that...in this instance, I tried to catch it all! Anyway, after we got cleaned up and ready for bed he finally took 3 ounces without throwing up. I do not want to have to add dehydration to the list of enemies!
Just for funsies, here is a pic of Kaden in his swing when we first brought him home from the hospital...
And here is a pic now! He is 4 pounds away from the weight limit for the swing and we will truly be sad when the time comes to put it away. He loves his swing! In the second pic, he is looking at himself in the mirrored part.
As always, Lady Belle is keeping guard. You can also see his nebulizer in the bottom...so sad :-(
1 comment:
I'm so sorry he's sick. That is no fun. I hope he recovers quickly. He's gotten so big and cute!
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