And just because I think this looks like the most comfy place to end the night...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Little Man of the House
And just because I think this looks like the most comfy place to end the night...
Ketchup Dowowowown!

Tonight I am going to go home, sing the silly bear song that Grandpa used to sing to me to Kaden, and maybe dance around the living room with him. Then I'm going to eat anything, as long as I put ketchup on it and at least once yell out "Ketchup dowowowowown!" I'll sit in the rocking chair and read Kaden a book from the bookshelp that Grandpa made. Then I'm going to eat a vanilla ice cream cone from Dairy Queen, just like Grandpa used to get for me. And in the morning, I'll wake my husband up with the good morning song that Grandpa liked to sing that always drives my husband crazy!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
6 Months Already!
RSV Update: Little big man gave RSV a beat down! On Thursday we went back to the doctor to make sure we really were fortunate enough to avoid the hospital and that he was indeed getting better. He still had junk in his ears and lungs, but was much better than when this whole thing started. We are lucky that he responded so well to the nebulizer- if he hadn't had an immediate response we would have been sent directly over to the hospital so he could get oxygen and treatments there. He still has a cough and a wheeze, but he is getting so much better. He has actually been wearing us out- that medicine that you put in the nebulizer, Albuterol, makes him act like he is hyper-caffeinated. I swear I don't put Mountain Dew in his bottles! Wow! He gets so tired and you can tell he needs to go to sleep, but he just can't. He's up and wild for hours and then just crashes, but still can't sleep so he just gets angry. We cut down to 2 nebulizer treatments a day now, and add another one in if needed. No we just need to get through the rest of RSV season without getting it again...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Changs vs. RSV: Day 3

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Changs vs. RSV: Day 2
Speaking of doctors, our pediatricians are AWESOME! They are so nice and so good at keeping crazy new moms who don't know what they're doing from freaking out. This morning the doctor that we saw on Monday (there are 2 of them that have the practice together, and I love both of them) called to see how little man did last night, how he was eating, how we were all doing. I thought it was so nice and made me feel better that they were checking in on him...either that or he is REALLY sick and they are scared to tell you see what I mean about how they keep crazy new moms from going over the edge? I'm sticking with them being nice and thorough doctors.
Changs vs. RSV: Day 1
Monday, February 16, 2009
You Give Me Fever
This week Kaden celebrated his very first Valentine's Day. He made such a cute little Valentine with his heartbreaker shirt & bib. He got all decked out for school with his heartbreaker onesie, bib, some blue jeans from Gramma, and some super cool Robeez shoes from Aunt Kara. He picked out some little Snoopy boxes of chocolates for his teachers, too. He is just such a sweet, thoughtful little guy!
Kaden had a little tiny bit of a tooth break through! He's been teething & has been my little drool monster for such a long time...this week something finally broke through. Last time we were at the doctor the doctor commented that his gums were really swollen and his teeth would likely start popping out soon. And something did pop through, finally! The drooling has not diminished at all, however. I got Kaden some teething biscuits called Baby Mum-Mums. I heard a lot about them at the message board that I frequent on iVillage (I'm a proud member of the August 2008 Honeybees!), so I thought I'd try them out. Not that he can eat them with the tip of a tiny little tooth, but they dissolve in the mouth and he can practice chewing and holding his own little cookie. He tried it out...
but he's not too sure about them yet! We'll have to try again and see if they grow on him.
It's still kind of fun to sit up and play with them, though.
Friday, February 6, 2009
5 Month Milestones