Today was a huge day in the history of our country. Our first African-American President, our first biracial President, the first President overwhelmingly elected by the youth and the future of our country, took office. This will be one of those 'where were you when' moments in my life- I was at work and can't listen to anything on my compter, so my WONDERFUL husband held his cell phone up to his car radio so I could listen through my phone on the other end. I got to hear President Obama's first words to the nation as our President. He is a great man for a multitude of reasons, but I cannot ignore the fact that he is blazing the way for kids like my son. Lately I have been doing a lot of searching and pondering about how to help my son deal with the mean comments and stares from strangers trying to figures out 'what' he is. This is a huge sign that maybe I won't have to worry about that for much longer. I don't want to take away from everything that President Obama has tried to do and hopes to accomlish during his time in office, but I can't help but be so thankful, in the midst of my problems dealing with those mean comments from strangers about my son's race, that he can do whatever he wants and will not always be judged by the shape of his eyes or the complexion of his skin. Today I am so proud to be an American. I am proud of my husband and all his hard work. I am proud of my beautiful son. I am proud to be a part of a multi-cultural family. I am proud to be the mother of a biracial child. I am proud. I am proud!

This is what America looks like today, and I think it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so proud!
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