These are the last of the pics that my sister took before she left this week. I have big shoes to fill as far as picture taking goes, but I will take as many as I can before she comes back in October. We also have a visit from Rob's Mom and sister coming up, too, so there will be lots of pics of that.
Kaden smiles a lot in his sleep, a big goofy grin. I know that technically he isn't smiling because he wants to right now and it is probably gas, but it is so incredibly cute & he does it every time he falls asleep...I like to pretend that he's smiling because he's just so happy!

Goofy grin!

A nice wink to go with the goofy grin

Aunt Lori


Playtime on the floor, chatting with Momma
1 comment:
I was reading/lurking and read that you have/had thyroid problems, I'm experiencing the same thing, if you could e-mail me my e-mail address is so that I can ask some questions about this. I would really appreciate it, thank you!
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