Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Friday, November 14, 2008
Stick Out Your Tongue!
Kaden learned how to stick out his tongue & it's just too cute! Sometimes his tongue gets stuck on his lower lip & the whole lip pushes out with his tongue. We have a good time sticking our tongues out and making faces at him to get him to copy off of us. It's a bit of a baby milestone- he is both mimicking us and sticking out his tongue!
Kaden Travels to Washington DC
We couldn't get to the Capitol Building because they are building the inaugeration site for President Obama!
Our little family on the steps of the Supreme Court
Our little family in front of the Capitol Building
In case you forgot where the Capitol Building is located, Rob has a sign for you.
That hat was TOO CUTE!
My boys with a view of the Washington Monument
Rob & Kaden took a break at the base of the monument...
and this is the view from where they were laying
Part of the huge World War II Memorial. My Great-Grandpa served in the Army in WWII.
They had these big signs congratulating President Obama and people from all over the world were leaving messages of hope- it was really cool!
Korean War Memorial- My Grandpa served as a Marine in the Korean War and the memorial was beautiful.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
In front of the White House right before the guards kicked everybody away from the fence. The President's dog was playing in the front yard and apparently somebody important was going to be in the area and they wanted people to leave immediately. I though 1 guard was going to arrest Rob when they split the crowd in half and Rob tried to walk towards the group headed in the same direction as our car! Thank goodness there was a nice guard who rode his bike over to us to tell us where we were allowed to go.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
2 Months Old Already!
When we got home from the doctor, however, Kaden passed out and only woke up to eat until the next morning, when he woke up with a big poopy diaper and an even bigger grin on his face. I got a pic of him passed out, but I was not prepared with camera for grinning poopy Kaden in the morning!
The next day we tried out the cereal. He did really well, too! The first time we put it in his mouth he just looked at us like he was trying to figure out what we were doing to him. After that he seemed to like the cereal. The only thing that made him mad was when I kept taking that darn spoon out of his mouth before he was done eating. How rude of me to take it away when his belly wasn't full yet!
So the meal went like this: Mama put the spoon with food in Kaden's mouth. Kaden got all the food off the spoon. Mama takes the spoon out to get more food. Kaden gets mad because he is not done eating yet. Mama puts the refilled spoon back in Kaden's mouth. Kaden is immediately happy and eats more food. Repeat until all the cereal is gone.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Time for a Chat
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
5 Weeks Old!
He has been growing like a weed and no longer fits into newborn clothes. Thankfully he still fits into the 0-3 month clothes, but I think he is going to be in the 3-6 month size before he ever turns 3 months old. He has been practicing talking and for the past couple of weeks works really hard to make little noises. Last week, he smiled at me for the first time, too. When my Dad, his Grandpa, visited this past weekend Kaden smiled and talked to him a little bit. Then last night all of a sudden he started talking up a storm and smiling at his Daddy! All day today he has been doing the same thing! It seems as if he has woken up a bit and can interact with us. It's so cool and I get so excited whenever he talks to me. I am sure I look like an idiot trying to get him to keep talking and smiling. I'll do anything to get a big grin out of that boy.
Sunday night we had another amazing thing happen...Kaden slept for 5 a row!!! He didn't repeat that miracle on Monday night, but Sunday night was pure bliss :-)
3 weeks old- he can wiggle out of a swaddle already
4 weeks old- grinning for Momma
Tummy time on his surf board
Lady Belle kind of likes him
1 month old!
Visiting with Grandpa- Lady Belle doesn't understand why he isn't playing with her
Having a chat
USMC!! Wearing the uniform from Great-Aunt Robing in honor of Great-Grandpa Van
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Pics
Kaden smiles a lot in his sleep, a big goofy grin. I know that technically he isn't smiling because he wants to right now and it is probably gas, but it is so incredibly cute & he does it every time he falls asleep...I like to pretend that he's smiling because he's just so happy!