Wow, I can't believe Kaden is 9 months old already! He's right on the verge of crawling forward (he's pretty good at crawling backwards, but hasn't quite figured out that if he keeps pushing forward he will get where he wants). He is also getting good at pulling himself up onto his knees to get closer to anything that he wants. Between rolling, scootching, and crawling backwards, he is definitely on the move.
It's been awhile since we've posted, so what has Kaden been up to?
He is learning how to swim...
... and having fun in the water...
...Baba & Mama have fun with swim lessons too!
...Baba & Mama have fun with swim lessons too!
This is what happens when all you can do is crawl backwards- it's easy to get in some tight situations.
He got a 2nd tooth!
He got even cuter than before!
And Mama got a bigger baby belly! Here is Mama with Baby Chang #2 at 15 weeks.